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The Ballad of Three Finger Brown
Come gather in the dugout, leave the bats and balls behind
In life and baseball, a hero's hard to find
That's why we still remember all across this town
And tell the story of Three Finger Brown
He was born in Indiana, where he lost part of his hand
But then he found a curveball that could strike out any man
After St. Louis, he was Chicago bound
The Cubs had a rookie named Three Finger Brown
In 1908, the Giants had a fearsome nine
They fought us to one final game, the season on the line
They had Christy Mathewson to keep the Cubbies down
We gave the baseball to Three Finger Brown
But the gangsters they had told him that his life was at stake
And if they won the ballgame, it would be his last mistake
With their threats in his pocket, he walked onto the mound
And no man stood taller than Three Finger Brown
His curveball dipped and darted, right through the strike zone dropped
The Giants never had a chance, the Cubs wound up on top
He brought home the pennant, then he brought home the crown
The pride of Chicago was Three Finger Brown
So if you're in a tough spot and the odds are looking grim
And your team needs a hero, if they're gonna win
Reach back for something extra and look into the crowd
'Cause someone's watching named Three Finger Brown
Ray Lambiase vocal, acoustic guitar
Bill Ayasse fiddle
John Kribs acoustic lead guitar
Orion Kribs mandolin
Kevin Maul dobro
Jim Uhl bass
Kate Corrigan, Terri Hall, Christine Kellar, Rorie Kelly additional vocals